Gratitude and Well-Being in the Workplace

Gratitude and wellbeing in the workplace, take part in research

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Loughborough University

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Much Appreciate

Study duration


15 Minutes 

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Research study details

Study Details

The purpose of this study is to gain information relating to employee wellbeing, gratitude, organisational support and workplace politics.


This study is part of a student research project supported by Loughborough University. The study will be undertaken by Jordan Fretwell and supervised by Nishat Babu.


You will be asked to complete an anonymous online survey, which should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete. You do not need to do anything before completing the survey. This is a low risk activity and no disadvantages or risks have been identified in association with participating.


You must be between the ages of 18-60, be in some form of employment, live in the UK and have the capacity to fully understand and consent to this research.


Loughborough University will be using information/data from you to undertake this study and will act as the data controller for this study. This means that the University is responsible for looking after your information and using it properly. No identifiable personal information will be collected and so your participation in the study will be confidential. The anonymous data will be used in student dissertations. No individual will be identifiable in any report, presentation, or publication. All information will be securely stored on the University computer systems. Anonymised data will be retained until the final project marks have been verified, expected 18th September 2024.


After you have read this information and asked any questions you may have, if you are happy to participate, please read the consent page and confirm your consent by checking the tick box at the bottom of the page. You can withdraw from the survey at any time by closing the browser.


However, as the survey is anonymous once you have submitted the survey it will not be possible to withdraw your data from the study.