Focus Groups to Co-Design Home-Based Exercise…

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Associated Organization

University of Northampton 

Research study rewards, research study prize


Education on methods to reduce blood pressure through static exercise. Involvement in the co-design of a new exercise programme.

Study duration


2 Hours

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Research study details

Study Details

Focus Groups to co-design a home-based isometric training programme to help reduce blood pressure and increase exercise adherence. There will be four focus groups:

1. Welcome and Introduction to the training bands with a Takeaway activity for 2-weeks to use and perform the exercises with the exercise band.

2. Personal Experience Feedback and Insight – Provide your thoughts on the programme.

3. Desired Outcomes – What outcomes do you want to get out of the programme.

4. Advertisement and Recruitment – Help us determine best methods to promote and advertise the exercise programme. The sessions will be spread over a six week period.