Investigating Associations Between Stages of Menopause…

take part in research, menopause study, paid study

Interested in the research study below?


Well, then download the WeParticipated app for free today and sign up to the research study directly through our app!

Research organization

Associated Organization

Liverpool John Moores University 

Research study rewards, research study prize


There will be a prize draw at the end of the study. For each survey completed you get a chance to win a prize.



Prizes are 2 x £50 Love2Shop vouchers, 3x £25 Love2Shop vouchers, 5 x £10 Love2Shop vouchers.

Study duration


30 minutes  

Research study area



research study location


Research study details

Study Details

The first survey takes approximately 20min to complete. You will then get email reminders to complete the following surveys, which take approx. 12min to fill in.


The more women get involved, the stronger our results and the better we can provide tailored support to women!


Thank you for your time!